Source code for file_functions

import os
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as stats
import itertools
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import messagebox
from tkinter import filedialog
import subprocess
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def init_logger(filename): """Initializes logger""" logging.basicConfig(filename=os.path.basename(filename).replace('.py', '.log'), filemode='w', level=logging.INFO) stderrLogger = logging.StreamHandler() stderrLogger.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(logging.BASIC_FORMAT)) logging.getLogger().addHandler(stderrLogger) return
[docs]def cmd(command): """Executes command prompt command""" try: res = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) except: msg = 'Command failed: %s' % command logger.error(msg) raise Exception(msg) msg = res.communicate()[1] # if using for LAStools, get rid of the annoying LAStools licensing message. msg = msg.replace( 'Please note that LAStools is not "free" (see\r\ncontact \'\' to clarify licensing terms if needed.\r\n', '') return
# opens window in GUI to browse for folder or file
[docs]def browse(root, entry, select='file', ftypes=[('All files', '*')]): """GUI button command: opens browser window and adds selected file/folder to entry""" if select == 'file': filename = filedialog.askopenfilename(parent=root, title='Choose a file', filetypes=ftypes) if filename: entry.delete(0, tk.END) entry.insert(tk.END, filename) elif select == 'files': files = filedialog.askopenfilenames(parent=root, title='Choose files', filetypes=ftypes) l = entry.delete(0, tk.END) entry.insert(tk.END, l) elif select == 'folder': dirname = filedialog.askdirectory(parent=root, initialdir=entry.get(), title='Choose a directory') if len(dirname) > 0: entry.delete(0, tk.END) entry.insert(tk.END, dirname + '/')
# wrapper to show error message when a command fails def err_info(func): def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): try: func(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as e: messagebox.showerror('Error', e) return wrapper
[docs]def check_use(filepath): """Checks if a file or list of files is in use by another process If the file cannot be opened or there is an associated .lock file, it throws an exception. """ if type(filepath) == list: for f in filepath: check_use(f) return file_object = None if os.path.exists(filepath): try: buffer_size = 8 # Opening file in append mode and read the first 8 characters. file_object = open(filepath, 'a', buffer_size) if file_object: for filename in os.listdir(os.path.dirname(filepath)): if filename.startswith(os.path.basename(filepath)) and filename.endswith('.lock'): logger.error('%s is open in another program. Close the file and try again.' % filepath) raise Exception('%s is open in another program. Close the file and try again.' % filepath) except IOError: logger.error('%s is open in another program. Close the file and try again.' % filepath) raise Exception('%s is open in another program. Close the file and try again.' % filepath) finally: if file_object: file_object.close() return
[docs]def get_all_files(dir, prefix='',suffix='', nesting=True): """ Returns list of all files in directory Args: dir (str): the directory of interest prefix (str): if provided, files returned must start with this suffix (str): if provided, files returned must end with this nesting (bool): if True, looks in all subdirectories of dir. If false, only looks at top-level. """ l = [] for path, subdirs, files in os.walk(dir): for name in files: if name.startswith(prefix) and name.endswith(suffix) and (nesting or (path == dir)): l.append(os.path.join(path, name)) return l
[docs]def split_list(l, break_pts): """returns list l split up into sublists at break point indices""" l_0 = len(l) sl = [] if break_pts is []: return [l] else: for brk in break_pts: delta_l = l_0 - len(l) sl.append(l[:brk - delta_l]) l = l[brk - delta_l:] sl.append(l) return sl
[docs]def split_reaches(l, new_reach_pts): """splits l into sections where new_reach_pts contains the starting indices for each slice""" new_reach_pts = sorted(new_reach_pts) sl = [l[i1:i2] for i1, i2 in zip(new_reach_pts, new_reach_pts[1:])] last_index = new_reach_pts[-1] sl.append(l[last_index:]) return sl
class DF(pd.DataFrame): """pandas DataFrame class with an additional title attribute""" def __init__(self, data=None, index=None, columns=None, dtype=None, copy=False, title=None): pd.DataFrame.__init__(self, data, index, columns, dtype, copy) self.title = title def show(self): if self.title: print(self.title)
[docs]def ft(x, y): """Returns the fourier transform magnitude of the x,y data""" n = len(x) spacing = abs(x[1]-x[0]) xf = np.linspace(0, 1/(2.0*spacing), n//2) yf = np.fft.fft(y) yf = list(map(lambda k: 2.0/n*np.abs(k), yf))[:n//2] return xf, yf
def white_noise_confidence_interval(n): return -1.0/n - 2.0/np.sqrt(n), -1.0/n + 2.0/np.sqrt(n) def r_to_z(r): return 0.5 * np.log((1+r)*1.0/(1-r)) def z_to_r(z): return (np.exp(2*z)-1)*1.0/(np.exp(2*z) + 1) def r_confidence_interval(r, n, alpha=0.05): # returns confidence interval at the 1-alpha level for correlation of r with n observations # when alpha=0.05, it returns the range of possible population correlations at the 95% confidence level # so if 0 is not within the bounds, then the correlation is statistically significant at the 95% level if r == 1: return 1, 1 z = r_to_z(r) se = 1.0 / np.sqrt(n - 3) z_crit = stats.norm.ppf(1 - alpha / 2) # 2-tailed z critical value lo = z - z_crit * se hi = z + z_crit * se # Return a sequence return z_to_r(lo), z_to_r(hi)
[docs]def cox_acorr(series, maxlags=''): """ Returns two lists: lags and autocorrelation, using Cox variant 3 of ACF """ n = len(series) if maxlags == '': maxlags = int(n/2) xbar = np.mean(series) lags = range(maxlags+1) acorrs = [] for k in lags: if k == 0: acorrs.append(1) else: s1 = series[:-k] s2 = series[k:] numerator = 1.0/(n - k) * sum([(x1 - xbar) * (x2 - xbar) for x1, x2 in zip(s1, s2)]) denominator = 1.0/n * sum([(xi - xbar)**2 for xi in series]) acorrs.append(numerator*1.0/denominator) return lags, acorrs
[docs]def ar1_acorr(series, maxlags=''): """Returns lag, autocorrelation, and confidence interval using geometric autocorrelation for AR1 fit of series""" n = len(series) if maxlags == '': maxlags = int(n/2) # use phi as lag-1 correlation of data phi = np.corrcoef(series[:-1], series[1:])[0][1] lags = range(maxlags+1) acorrs = [phi**k for k in lags] lower_band, upper_band = zip(*[r_confidence_interval(phi**k, n - k) for k in lags]) return lags, acorrs, lower_band, upper_band
[docs]def white_noise_acf_ci(series, maxlags=''): """Returns the 95% confidence interval for white noise ACF""" n = len(series) if maxlags == '': maxlags = int(n/2) lags=range(maxlags+1) lims = [white_noise_confidence_interval(n-k) for k in lags] lower_lims, upper_lims = list(zip(*lims)) return lags, lower_lims, upper_lims